Saturday, June 13, 2015

To Be A Writer


To be a writer is tough. It takes technique, knowledge, intuition and unstoppable determination. Winning the struggle to craft language means the message touches readers, sparks their imaginations and changes their lives.. However, many writers must focus on these goals while having a hard time balancing family, relationships, finances and their writing..I admire their courage and discipline to do what it takes to make a difference in their readers’ lives.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

May A Developmental Editor Help Strengthen Your Book ?

A love of reading blossomed in me when I was very young. Writing always intrigues and excites me, no matter the genre or level.  Witnessing what writers go through to transform their thoughts and emotions into language that matters is truly a privilege. I work with writers to clarify their concepts, their logical sequencing of them. Essentially, it is a process of asking questions and providing responses.